Have I lost my mind????

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms Have I lost my mind????

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    Ok so my nipples hurt, I am grumpy and irratable, I feel dizzy and I am living on Gravol pills, I am completely exhausted and sleep all the time I can’t remember anything My hair is blah and my face is breaking out. My stomach feels bloated and I got my period early but only for a day and then it disappeared. I am not a complete crazy so I have taken 2 home tests and I had a blood test today that came out negative…what is wrong with me??? I sthis stress. HELP!!! I think i have actuelly finnally lost it!


    You could either have a genuine hormonal imbalance or else if you have a desire to be pregnant, your body could manifest those feelings into physical symptoms. You should talk to your doctor about it and see if you need a blood test to check your hormone levels (nonpregnancy-related). Otherwise, mentally talk yourself into believing you are NOT pregnant and see if the symptoms lessen or subside.

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