has anyone had these symptoms?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms has anyone had these symptoms?

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      Hi I am 17 and wondering if anyone has had these pregnancy symptoms-not sure if I am or not getting test next week-Nausia,vomited once (tonight),pain under belly button and some light cramps,I have very swollen breasts and i think my nipples are a little darker….I have nevr had breast pain before and now they are very sore-If I am I would only be a month has anyone had this or these this early what should i do?please email me at nicekitty6988 or post here(not sure if i will remember this site lol)


        Hi Karie, I’m 28 and expecting number 3. I don’t know if this site is for teenagers only, but I think it’s an awesome website for everyone. Yes, yes and yes on all your symptoms. I had all of them with my first two. I’m only 4 weeks along right now and I haven’t experienced any symptoms as of yet with this one. It sounds to me like you are pregnant, but you’ll want to take a test to make sure. Good luck and let me know if you need to talk. 😉



          hi karie well my name is Oxana but call me anna k well i’m 17 yrs old and not quite sure if i’m or not pregnant maybe i’m cuz i was suppose 2 have my period on the 6-11-05 or 6-10-05 it’s one of those day’s and it’s know 7-1-05 soo yeah count the days’ it’s exactly 1 month with 5 days my breasts are dark and they tinngle alot i’m eating like crazy , and soo far i haven’t gotten nausious thank god!! well i do get tired alot but maybe u should get a pregnancy test done A.S.A.P ok …. Bye anna 🙂


            yeah with my first pregnancy, I experiecnced all of those symptoms.


              hiya, yes i am 8 weeks pregnant with my second child (im 19) and i have been sick since week 2, ive had cramping and sore breasts since week 4 so yes they could well be syptoms even that early in a pregnancy!!!

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