has anyone else experianced this?

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    hi, this may sound very random – but has anyone experianced the fear that they were pregnant, then found out they were not but yet somehowfelt awfull because they were not pregnant even though they were wishing they were not at the time? sorry i know this may sound stupid, but i thought i was a couple of years ago and the news that i wasnt has acctually almost made it worse because i couldnt take the test for so long and had so many symptons . i guess you could call it a phantom pregnancy but i dont know – anyway just wondered if anyone else experianced anything like that and how they got over it or anything. thanks xxx


    Yes, I experienced that just last week!! Even though in the forefront of my mind I was thinking "I can’t afford a child" "I’m too young" etc, but when I had my blood test done and it came back negative, I felt so empty and lost.
    I still don’t know how I’m supposed to be feeling about it. I guess there’s no right and wrong way to feel when it comes to being pregnant or not. Just take one day at a time and know that one day, when you’re ready, your baby will come.

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