hard stomach, could i be pregnant?

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    ok well i was 3 days late then 1 day early and for about a month now my stomach has been feeling hard but i think it’s too early cause that would make me about 10 weeks now so i’m not sure but i urinate more often and i belch like 20x a day which is weird but i’m not sure, i’ve taken 3 tests all negative but i’m just waiting to see what happens for now but any ideas about my situation will be nice.
    thanks 🙂


    If you think you could be pregnant, go to the dr and get a blood test done. They are more accurate than home tests.


    im not giving you hopes up but that was a symptom i had that i noticed with my first bub b4 i tested and i was 12w 4days preg b4 i knew.


    If you have taken home tests and they have come up negative, its one of two things, your not pregnant, or your too early for it to be detected, which is common with some pregnancy tests. Quite a few tests that say "effective from day of missed period" are lieing, and they dont really show a clear result until about a week after your due. alternatly you could be one of the few people that the home tests just dont seem to work for, thought its unlikely. The hard stomach could be just that (lucky you), and burping, maybe you have had too much softdrink lately? Its worth going to the doctors because your late though, just get a blood test to put your mind a rest. If you start getting really sore boobs, incredibly tired, or feeling queezy/throwing up, then definatly go to a doctor as they are some of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

    Hope that helped.


    i could use some help… could someone write me…?

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