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  • #18840

    She went today
    Went into foster care until the adoption
    Feels werid. Im prone to spontaneous bouts of crying. Its strange seeing an empty nappy box, or seeing the rug on the floor where she was lying just a few hours ago.
    I am glad. I did what I had to do.
    Adoption is an option.

    princess Angela

    Awww darling….. I hope your ok…. I dont know the story cause i havnt been on much latly…… I would like to know the story if u wanna tell me i am very happy to listen

    Love angela


    :unsure: o girl i sorry you feel like this you know you loved her, just dont get to stressed you made a good choice by giving her life. if you wnat to talk i gave you my email adress so anytime you know im here 4 u thats what friends are for.


    aww huni, im glad u did what u new was rite. . . x


    I know how you feel, my daughter died 5 months ago and when i came home without her I cried for days. All i did was lay in her crib and remebered how many times I watched her sleep. I didnt wash her clothes I didnt pick up her toys… She had just been there, I felt hallow and alone, and literally as if I had been ripped in two. laid in her crib dreaming of her and how she had learned how to toddle in this room. It is a horrid feeling to know there isnt anything you can do. I am happy you felt you did the right thing though. She will thank you later for it. I will never have the privilegde of seeing her ever again. You truly loved her to give her up. I wish I could tell you that what you are feeling will go away, but it will take time and you never know what will trigger your mind to her.


    if you feel in your heart of hearts then you will know that you did the right thing.. that had to be hard.. but it will be ok..


    Im so sorry about all this. I’m new so I don’t know your story or your situation but I want you to know that you are great for being able to do what you felt was right for your daughter to have the best life possible.

    No one can say that adoption is a better choice or that you keeping your daughter would have been. You can only take a chance. All that matters is that what you did was because you love and care for her and want her to be happy.


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