going out of my mind help

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    well its 2 weeks now since my angel grew wings i feel like im on a rollercoaster ride through hell like im losing my mind and everything one min im ok the next im mad screaming n yelling n the next im sad all over again.will it ever end i feel selfish thinking about being sexual agian n thinking about trying again is that selfish please be honest.now i feel like i needed to know what went wrong why i lost my baby n what did i do wrong i place all the blame on my self.what can i do.


    me agen :blush: id just seen that the last msg i sent you at the end i accidently put the 😛 and it was an accident..just wanted to tell you co it mite hav seemed i was bein mean, sorriiiii


    I dont think ur being selfish huni, ur baby grew wings because maby the time wasnt right for him/her to be in this world. Ur ok to have the feelings you do you wouldent be human without them.
    Try again for another baby, bu remember the baby chooses when the time is right to come. .

    I wish you all the luck in the world an hope everything goes the way you want it to xxx


    you arent being selfish at all.
    i to have have lost a little one, i know how u are feeling, i went through all those emotions, but you know everything is gonna turn out fine 😀 it really will, just know you are being selfish to your self in not letting you do the things you dont want to do anymore.
    i hope things turn out fine soon.


    It wasn’t your fault.Some babies live,some don’t.It’s one of those things.Don’t blame yourself.


    This was not your fault. First you have to accept and belive that. It wasn’t the right time and what your feeling is hormones. Your body has experienced a big loss and has to adjust and your mind has to adjust. Grief is a process, and it doesnt matter that this baby was not on this earth …it is a loss regardless. Take time to let yourself grieve, and accept support from friends and family who care. God bless you.


    its hard to deal with but things happen for a reason even the bad unfortunately but i guess it makes you stronger, if you feel you are ready to try for another baby then go for it, just because you lost the first bub, doesnt mean the same thing will happen again so don’t think that. Don’t blame yourself coz its not your fault!

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