getting very frustrated! any advice?

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    hey guys,
    I recently put up a post on how i might be pregnant. Well my period is now 7 days late. I took a test this morning and it was negative. I’m getting frustrated I hate not knowing! could it just be to early to tell? I’d be about 3 weeks pregnant now? how long should i wait to take another one. thanks


    [color=#0080FF]For best results wait another week, or even two. Or if your not in the mood to wait go to the doctor they can give you a blood test which might be best if you don’t want to wait. Good luck. Update on everything. I’m here if you ever need to talk. (:



    Hi Hun, HPTs are usually effective from about the first day that your period is late… but that’s just “usually”… sometimes they’re so unreliable that they don’t pick up anything. So the most effective test would be a blood test that you can get from your GP.
    ALso, remember that stress, weight loss, change in diet, medication and a whole lot of other things can cause your period to be late or can immitate pregnancy symptoms.
    So, to be 100% sure, get a blood test done.

    Hope this helped

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