fun game

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  • #8499

      I thought we could play a game, well it’s not really a game. I’ve seen it done on other groups and they had a lot of fun doing it. Here’s how it works. On the left there are going to be questions, on the right are my answers. Just reply with your own answers. (but make to include in questions with it.)

      Name: Monica
      Age: 18
      EDD/child’s bithdate: January 25, 2006
      Live with your parents: No
      Where your from: New York (only include your state. not your city)
      Favorite color: Hot Pink
      Favorite food: Broccoli
      Favorite candy: chocolate covered potatoe chips!!! The best thing ever!!

      Having/have boy/girl/unknown: unknown know will be finding out
      How do you like being a mother: not yet. But excited and nervous
      single or taken: happily engaged. been together for a year and a half
      getting married: next summer. although my mom is pushing for it this
      how many kids do you have: this will be my frist!
      How many do you want: wanted 2 but after all the morning sickness this
      might be an only child

      what did you do when found out you were pregnant: cried! happy tears of course
      when did you start showing: already alittle bit at 9 weeks!!!
      what was the one thing you loved the most about being pregnant: ??? don’t
      know yet.
      The thing you hated the most: morning for should i say all day sickness!!
      Do you have names picked out: Jordan for a boy, Mariyah for a girl!
      What do you like most about this website: all the articles

      If you could give only give your child advice on one thing what would you tell him/her/them: Always go for dreams. No matter what abosticles you have to face, never give up!! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. If you beieve you can, you can and WILL!!


        Name: Jackie
        Age: 18
        EDD/child’s bithdate: October 17, 2005
        Live with your parents: Yup
        Where your from: New York
        Favorite color: black and red
        Favorite food: pizza and fries
        Favorite candy:hmm im not a big candy person

        Having/have boy/girl/unknown: a boy
        How do you like being a mother: im soooo scared
        single or taken: im w/ my bf in a serious relationship.. i luv him 2 death
        getting married: in the next couple of years probably
        how many kids do you have: this will be my frist!
        How many do you want: i want like 4 or 5 if i can afford um

        what did you do when found out you were pregnant: cried.. and they were not happy tears either.. im happy now though
        when did you start showing: lol.. around now at 6 months
        what was the one thing you loved the most about being pregnant:I hate it ..
        The thing you hated the most:nausea and fatigue and not being able to drink anymore or club !
        Do you have names picked out: John Jr.. after his daddy
        What do you like most about this website: its cool to know your not the only one going thru all this stuff

        If you could give only give your child advice on one thing what would you tell him/her/them: Don’t follow the crowd and try not to be ignorant


          [color=#0000FF]Name: monica
          Age: 19 [will be 20 when the baby is born]
          EDD/child’s bithdate: January 12, 2006
          Live with your parents: No
          Where your from: maine, for now [originally from florida]
          Favorite color: green
          Favorite food: olives [any kind but greek olives, yuk]
          Favorite candy: sour patch kids

          Having/have boy/girl/unknown: unknown, but shall find out eventually
          How do you like being a mother: no kids yet. i have a niece who’s 18 months old and another niece/nephew on the way [my sister’s due in august], but that’s the closest i’ve been to parenthood yet.
          single or taken: engaged 🙂
          getting married: small wedding ceremony this summer, then a big massive one next summer.
          how many kids do you have: this is going to be numero uno
          How many do you want: we’re not sure yet….
          what did you do when found out you were pregnant: i got up, ran around a bit, and in the process, almost ran into a wall…
          when did you start showing: not yet…. i’m 12 weeks and i still look the same as i always have…
          what was the one thing you loved the most about being pregnant: currently it’s no more morning sickness! [or at least, not as much]
          The thing you hated the most: yeah, being sick all the time… and when applesauce is the only thing i can keep down…. the taste gets really boring very quickly
          Do you have names picked out: boy- jordan, girl- nina
          What do you like most about this website: the sense of community

          If you could give only give your child advice on one thing what would you tell him/her/them: What is popular may not always be right, and what is right may not always be popular. [/color]


            August 03,2005
            Yes (Waiting to be able to leave)
            Baby blue and Pink and Red…… ( I love these the most)
            Egg rolls and Fried Rice
            Favorite candy:
            Having/have boy/girl/unknown:[/color] not sure( Dr. said boy one day and girl the next)
            not yet, but Very soon to come!!
            in about two years hopefully
            this will be the first
            I want 8!! LOL ( If ever able to afford it)
            well when i found out I was REALLY pregnant I went to my sister (who knew I was most likely preg.) and we just discussed how I would tell my mom.
            When I was about 4 1/2 months
            Feeling he/she move and kick ALL the time. ( the baby is VERY hyper!!)
            The thing I hate the most about being pregnant is that I have em so close to me but I can’t kiss and hug em when I want…
            boy- Isaac James , girl- Lexi Jordan
            Knowing that you have people to talk to when ever you need and that there are solutions to your problems.

            No matter how bad you feel the situation is, it will and can get better with the help of others.


              Name: Jenna
              Age: 15
              EDD/child’s bithdate: July 14, 2005 (NEW BABY!!! 3 DAYS!)
              Live with your parents: No
              Where your from: Alberta
              Favorite color: Pink
              Favorite food: Spicy Noodles
              Favorite candy: Fuzzy Peaches

              Having/have boy/girl/unknown: Had a girl
              How do you like being a mother: IT’S AWESOME….i love her with all of my heart and it’s tiring haha
              single or taken: well not legally able to marry so im with my boyfriend right now
              getting married: 3 or 4 years
              how many kids do you have: I have one baby
              How many do you want: I want 4 or 5
              what did you do when found out you were pregnant: got scared and cried and then jumped up and down
              when did you start showing: 5 months
              what was the one thing you loved the most about being pregnant: The cravings haha.. my boyfriend had to take care of them at like 3 in the morning.. haha and feeling the baby move
              The thing you hated the most: Sick and fat
              Do you have names picked out: My daughters name is Gracie Summer Patterson
              What do you like most about this website: Im not alone

              If you could give only give your child advice on one thing what would you tell him/her/them: Do it for you.. nobody else


                Age: 18
                child’s bithdate: I dont know, I just found out two days ago!!
                Live with your parents: No
                Where your from: Colorado
                Favorite color: I like all the colors, but especially hot pink
                Favorite food: anything I can make on my own without ruining…lol
                Favorite candy: Reeses peanut better cups…YUM!!

                Having/have boy/girl/unknown: unknown, but I will find out when I can.
                How do you like being a mother: I love it! I treasure every moment I have with my boys
                single or taken: just married!!
                getting married: on July 2nd of this year we tied the knot!!
                how many kids do you have: I have twin boys, Jotham and Benji and now one more on the way!
                How many do you want: I really dont know, all have been unplanned so whatever happens I guess.

                what did you do when found out you were pregnant: first time I was terrified, this time, I am a lot more at ease.
                when did you start showing: with this one, not yet, but with the twins i almost immediately i was puffy,… and that was not very fun.
                what was the one thing you loved the most about being pregnant: giving birth and seeing my children for the first time. the whole world stops for that brief moment.
                The thing you hated the most: morning sickness and being so hot all the time.
                Do you have names picked out: um, I haven’t told my husband yet, so we havent had time to talk about it, but for a girl, I really like Tatumn, or Lorelei.
                What do you like most about this website: the fact that it saved me from aborting my babies.

                If you could give your child advice on one thing what would you tell him/her/them: to love unconditionally. and live everyday to the fullest.


                  Name: Bella
                  Age: 16
                  EDD/child’s bithdate: April 6, 2006
                  Live with your parents: Yes
                  Where your from: Georgia
                  Favorite color: Green
                  Favorite food: Hot Wings
                  Favorite candy: Butterfingers

                  Having/have boy/girl/unknown: unknown will be finding out
                  How do you like being a mother: I’m really nervous
                  single or taken: happily dating the baby’s daddy for two years
                  getting married: yes, once we graduate
                  how many kids do you have: this will be my first!
                  How many do you want: I don’t know, I did want a lot, but I’m not so sure now

                  what did you do when found out you were pregnant: Cried and got onto this website lol
                  when did you start showing: I’m not showing yet, but I’m excited to start
                  what was the one thing you loved the most about being pregnant: I don’t know yet, but I’m sure it will be the kicking
                  The thing you hated the most: morning, afternoon and night sickness
                  Do you have names picked out: If I have a boy, it’s going to be a junior, and if it’s a girl, Shaelyn Fae
                  What do you like most about this website: The support

                  If you could give only give your child advice on one thing what would you tell him/her/them: You can do anything you want to and allways be yourself.

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