Finally! A place to share!

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    I haven’t been able to tell my story to anyone, because most everyone around me just doesn’t want to know, but I so disparately want to share it in it’s entirety. My mom told me about this site and thought I could help other girls in my situation. I think I can do that and also be able to talk to people who WANT to listen!

    My story starts with me starting a relationship with my wonderful bf, Chase. The more we talked together the clearer it was becoming that we both were in love. Only about two and half months into the relationship we starting having sex and talking about marriage. I was 19 and he was 20. We thought we should ease the idea of us being in love onto our families. We thought they would be against it because we were too young and hadn’t been dating very long. Family is very important to both of us so we were willing to wait for they’re approval.

    Then I missed my period.

    It was finals, I was leaving my friends to go to a different school in the city, Chase’s grandfather had died, and my mom was at the tale end of a difficult pregnancy. With all that going on we dismissed my absent period as just stress.
    Another month went by and I still hadn’t had my period. We started avoiding the issue. Eventually Chase said that I should go get tested, and that Planned Parenthood had free pregnancy tests. I didn’t want go. I had always been "The good catholic girl from the big family". I had prayed in front of that clinic, and couldn’t be caught dead going inside. Plus I was afraid of how it would feel inside of a place that killed children. I told him all this and he assured me that he would never think of aborting our child, but just wanted me to go get tested so we would know for sure. I told him I would look into other places that did tests.

    I never started looking. I eventually got a home birth test which ended up being boldly positive. I started running through all the reasons I could have messed up the test. We continued to avoid the subject and I started stressing myself out a lot. It got to the point that Chase suggested I should take my summer job money(I was quitting anyway) and go on a trip by myself to visit family and relax. Shortly after I was going to be back Chase was going on a trip with family. WE knew that when we both got back it would be time to pick the best day to tell my parents.

    That good day finally came. We took my parents out to the backyard and and explained the situation. Their reaction wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. We thought there would be yelling and I’d get kicked out and since neither us had money, we’d have to give up the baby and that would put a lot of stress on our relationship. But they didn’t yell. They agreed to let me and the baby live with them while Chase finished his certificate and got a job so he could support us after we got married. And to show us everything would be okay. A stroke flew by. Those don’t live here. I took it as a sign from Gad, saying that he was with us.

    Now I have my 2 month old baby boy and Chase is looking for a job and two classes from completing his certificate. It’s very very hard not being together yet, and trying to be an adult mommy while still living at home. But we’re surviving.

    :whistle: I know it’s long, but thank you for reading. I really needed to just tell it all.


    Good for you!!! what an awesome testimony of what more people should do. Both you your boyfriend and your parents. The decision to be apart untill youre married is so difficult but much more honorable. I respect your parents very much for making that possible. Thank you for your courage to do what was right even though you knew what got you there was wrong 🙂 I found out that I was preg with my 2nd after I had gotten saved and was attending church regularly for some time. I hurt so many and stumbled others. But I just kept going to church and I made the decision to not have sex again untill I was married. well 3 1/2 years after I made that choice I did get married and I did keep that promise I had made to the Lord. You and your soon to be husband are going to experience so much blessing from the choice you have made. May the Lord give you strength and wisdom on how to raise your child. This is just one more example of Gods grace. If we had to be "good enough" to get to heaven no one would be there. But when you turn from what you are doing wrong and choose to do it the right way it is pleasing to the Lord. He desires obedience more than a sacrifice. God bless you and your family…Congrats Love meg


    Mweber wrote:

    Good for you!!! what an awesome testimony of what more people should do. Both you your boyfriend and your parents. The decision to be apart untill youre married is so difficult but much more honorable. I respect your parents very much for making that possible. Thank you for your courage to do what was right even though you knew what got you there was wrong 🙂 I found out that I was preg with my 2nd after I had gotten saved and was attending church regularly for some time. I hurt so many and stumbled others. But I just kept going to church and I made the decision to not have sex again untill I was married. well 3 1/2 years after I made that choice I did get married and I did keep that promise I had made to the Lord. You and your soon to be husband are going to experience so much blessing from the choice you have made. May the Lord give you strength and wisdom on how to raise your child. This is just one more example of Gods grace. If we had to be "good enough" to get to heaven no one would be there. But when you turn from what you are doing wrong and choose to do it the right way it is pleasing to the Lord. He desires obedience more than a sacrifice. God bless you and your family…Congrats Love meg


    Wow, what a story..and a wonderful testimony. Praise God that you didn’t consider the alternative, and with that God has made a way for you and your baby. I pray that you and Chase will always look to the Lord, and take comfort in Him. Blessings on you and your family – Roxanne


    That was a great story. I like to hear of the happy ones.
    Its good to hear that ur bf is sticking around and hasn’t flown the coup on you and bubs. Good luck to Chase for his final certificate!!!


    wow i understand wat u must be going through! im 19 n my bf is 21 this yr, and we have a 7 month old daughter. although we’re are so happy, thers one prob..he lives halfeway across the country! ok so i live in england n it aint that big, its still hard only seeing him once in a while. so im livoing at home until he finishes studying and gets a job that pays enough to support us! congrats on the birth of your baby though! im sure everything will work out fantastically, just keep positive!! im here if ya ever wana chat! hugs n kisses, jess x x x


    ahhz thats good to hear. congrats..

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