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    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 8 months and since I got my first ultrasound things have been non-stop fighting, it feels like I cannot do antyhing right. What should I do? He has no reason to stay it’s not his kid and I think that it reminds him everytime we are together. I know that it was a mistake, but I don’t think he does. I am just so confused. I love h im and he says he loves me, but I don’t know what to believe or even do.
    My emotions are even worse I just get mad so easily and I am feeling like I can’t trust anyone any more. I feel like my life is falling to pieces. I have no idea what to do if my boyfriend and I brake up. My life will seem like nothing, but I don’t think that he can take much more of me snapping or being tired.
    HELP please!


    hi there hmmm for me all i can advice is be at peace talk to him gently open your heart to him just open up!!! If you both have time talk to each other I know he has a good heart even he is like that!!!!!

    provide a small activity which both of you are fun of it!!!!

    why not open forum thats a nice idea i guess But in your situation its really hard especially it only takes a month for both of you to be together.. thats terrific but anyway just try my advice hihhihii


    Hi there Amy 🙂 I think both of you are just a little overwhelmed by the new addition that will be joining your relationship soon… Praning gave some awesome advice…. sit down and lay all your cards on the table, both of you need to be honest and open about what your fears and expectations are…. then when you have a better perspective of where your relationship stands, take it from there. But dont stay with someone who makes you unhappy, just because you’re afraid to be alone.

    I hope this helps, even a little.


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