Fatherless babies

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    I have a son and am worried about how he will fell when he is older about not having a daddy.I am afraid that a guy im with might hurt him or molest him and he will hate me or he will be very sad about bieng fatherless.I want to be a doctor and doctors have very busy schedules and I might not spend as much time with him.Also that he wont have a dad to do father and son stuff with.Also I wont love him like a father would or enough .And the stats arent very encouraging either.This is a big fear of mine and it keeps me awake.Any advice would be greatly apreciated.


    Huni as long as u are there for ur son an give him all the love and support he needs then he will be fine. . . Dont worrie so much xxxx


    Both of my children are fatherless babies…but….the do have a daddy…I got married in November and now my kids have the daddy they have longed for….it was not an easy road to be a single mom for 4 1/2 years and to know that my kids had two different dads and that neither one of them was man enough to step up and support their kids….I had fears at times that I wasnt enough for my kids and that I would end up exposing them to a dangerous person…but I also didnt date guys….I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years untill my wedding night in November of 06….I spent time loving on my kids and I put a relationship far out of my mind until I met my husband….I met him at church and I watched how he interacted with my kids (as like they were his own) he had everyones respect and he was very well loved by everyone I knew….He respected me at all times and he even stepped in and helped me out financially when I needed diapers and stuff…we didnt even kiss untill we had been together for 8 months and we had sex for the first time on our wedding night…..forget about guys for now….it is better for your son to not have a father right now then it is for you to bring the wrong guy into his life….My encouragement to you would be to get plugged into a Non-denominational church where they teach right out of the bible….get him involved in a sunday school class and your self into teachings and bible studies…your chances of finding a good wholesome man (and daddy for your son) are very high at church….not everyone at church is a good person and not everyone in church is safe….remember satan could not defeat the church so he joined it…Seek first the kingdom of God and His righeousness and all other things shall be added…..that is the verse that gave me perserverance when it came to wanting a husband and a father for my kids….and you know what???when I quit seeking a man in my life and I started developing my relationship with my Savior and spending time just being a mommy that is when it happened…Pray over your son and ask God to protect him from harm….Perfect love casts out all fear…God loves us perfectly..unconditionally..and eternally…when you are afraid pray and commit yourself and your son to the Lord….your son will thank you when he is older for bringing him to the Lord..He is our Heavenly Father and when He feels it is the right time He will bring your son a father here on earth….I hope this helps..it sure did for me…..Meg


    To tell the truth, i would worry about the same things if I had a son…I havent even had my daughter yet and I am worriedabout future realtionships I will have when she is older and how she will react to them. But you should definitely not worry about any of your future boyfriends molesting or hurting your boy, that is a horrible thing! You should know the guy very well before you let your son alone around him at any time, I would never to that just to be on the safe side. You never know who you can trust, so please dont ever let a guy you dont know well around your little son! I am sure that one of these days you will meet your ‘soulmate’ the guy that the lord has seeked out for you to be with for the rest of your life, and this guy will love your son as his own and not hurt him. Just be with your son and love him…that is all he needs! He will have his friends to count on later and maybe he has a grandpa? Or a fatherly figure to replace one? Ofcourse you can love him like a father can, as long as you love him enough and show him so! Good luck, I wish you both the very best! : )


    when u say ur scared a guy youre with might molest or hurt him are you talking about a current partner or a partner u may have in the future? if you are talking about your current partner then why do you think that? if you have reason to think that he could be molesting your son then you need to get out of there now! if youre just talking about future partners then try not to worry im sure your motherly instinct will tell you when things arent right with your child. and in general just be there for your child, as long as he feels loved and supported by you im sure he will be fine. have you got a brother or someone you trust who could play the "older male role model in his life". This doesnt have to be the biological father, just an older male who your son can turn to when he needs to (and of course someone you both trust).


    ah i hate this subject for personal reasons.. I love love love my babys dad to death, but im so sick of arguing, it isnt and doesnt get bad. but its over the stupidest things ALL THE TIME. I sometimes just want to end our relationship, some how everytime I say leave, w emake up. and it just gets old! I dont want him to go because I really do love him. and I want my sons dad to be 100 percent involved like a dad should with a son I dont want him to have anothor daddy, or step dad for the same reasons. I know my sons dad will be great with him, and thats what makes me not want to leave him more and more. because he will be a wodnerful daddy, but i dont know whats more important.. and in the end i dnt know if i will be happy or hurt over it all. whether we stay together or break up. so i just try and make it all work out. But you should just do what you feel is right. watch out for your son. make him your number 1. get your degree to be a doc and be all that you can be. things may change in the future its still too soon to know.

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