Faint positive line

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    Hi girls,

    Please i need advise.

    ok, my period is irregular. but im always like a week late the most. but this time im going for 3 weeks late. No period

    i did a test last week saterday and it was -, i did another test last nite and a faint pink + line was visable. So just to make sure i did another test this morning and it showed -…. what is going on inside my body!

    I am so confused. I do have some symptoms… tired, moody, eating much more, gained a bit of weight and boobs are sensitive but it feels like its deep inside… dont know if that makes sense.

    Help Please!


    go to a your doctor if you have one and ask for them to do a pregnancy test or blood test because that is really the only sure way to find out.


    Those test results are confusing! I think that you’re just going to have to go to the doctor and get a blood test.
    Good luck!


    thank you so much.

    i have decided to give it another week and take it from there.


    i had this problem except all my pregnancy tests had the faint line.. so then i got the one that actually says “PREGNANT” or “Not Pregnant” and ontop of it i got blood test just to be sure.. so if i were u do one of those options! good luck!! 🙂


    Let us know when you find out! 🙂


    how did you go?


    that happened to me too the first time.
    then 2 days later i took another one and it was more clear.
    I also went to a free health clinic.
    everythings confidential, you dont need an appointment and its pretty fast results.


    well you could definately be pregnant and just taking the tests at the wrong time. if you have had alot to drink or something it could be a false neg because your urine is diluted. I suggest you take another test the first pee of the morning.

    however i have heard that if there is any trace of blood or protein in the urine it can cause a false positive, but i have never heard of anyone having a positive and it turn out they were not pregnant.


    A false positive is unlikely (doctor’s word, lol), so definately wait it out.

    Don’t stress and I’m here for you if you need to talk. 🙂

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