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      I am seventeen and pregnant. I am also engaged to get married in November. July 16th was when I got my first ultra sound and got to hear the heart beat it was 178. On October 8th I got to find out what I am having. A beautiful baby boy named Braxton. I had to quit high school because of everything that was happening. I was being threatened by people that didn’t even know me. I am going to attened an adult high school so I can finish early. Other then school life, my life out of school has been bad. My fiances father and his grandmother has been really mean to me. His father has hreatened me several times, and his grandmother has said some very hurtful things. His father and grandmother don’t want him to be with me, and I don’t understand why. We are great for one another, even though life is hard we still stay strong. He isn’t like any other guy I have ever met, he takes care of me, he is there for me, and he truely loves Braxton and I. I need some advice on what to do about his family.


        I had the same issue when I was pregnant with my son. His family denied that it was his and treated me with such disrespect, occasionally it was unbearable and placed such a stress on my boyfriend and I that we nearly broke up several times and eventually completely did. All I can tell you is that you’re a strong, mature young woman and this is YOUR baby. No body has the right to make you feel less that what you’re worth! Ignore their comments, avoid being around them as much as possible. They’ll come around after the baby is born, most probably. Just live your life and prove them wrong! Good luck!


          Thanks, but another problem I have is that my fiances dad beat on my fiance till he was sixteen. I don’t think I want my fiances dad to be a part of our little boy’s life, can my fiances dad make it where he has every right to see our son when he is born?


            Depending on your state, there are usually no grandparent’s rights stating that they have to be a part of the child’s life. However, I recommend that they do be a part of their life. Growing up without grandparents, I know how important it is to have them in your life. Just be cautious and watchful. Never leave him alone with him or anything of that sort. If it really becomes a concern to you, then talk with your fiance about keeping him away from him.


              Thanks, it just scares me to even think about anyone that has hurt a child to be around him. I don’t even feel good being around him, but thats because he stares at my boobs, and makes comments about them..

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