Every woman should know!

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    [size=2][color=#800080]Toximia is a rare but dangerous condition during pregnancy, It shrinks and kills your placenta which then starves your unborn child. Nobody knows for sure what causes it but doctors and especially the women who have gone through it including myself knows how dangerous it is not only to you but to your child. If you are pregnant you shoud look out for high blood pressure, heavy swelling of feet legs hands and face, head aches, dizziness, and tiredness.

    Because i had toximia my baby was born 30 days early and weighed 5lbs 5oz. My age might have caused me to get toximia being i’m a 17 year old mom. But no matter what age you are if you are pregnant watch out for those signs and tell your ob/gyn right away this condition is not something you want to wait around and see if it goes away because it doesn’t not until after you give birth. You don’t want to lose your child they are so precious and you don’t want to lose your life because of this either. Talk to your doctor and find out the risks of you getting this and tell other women who are pregnant or want to become pregnant. Look out for you and your baby’s best interest.[/color][/size]

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/09/18 18:37

    Miss Boop

    That is very nice that you would share that I didn’t know that if you were a young parent you are at risk for sooo many things. Everytime I look up something if you are young you are at risk, it’s hard to stay positive about your new baby when you have all of this to worry about but it is great to know because if you don’t look you’ll never know what damaging thing is happening in your body and to your baby until it is too late. I hope your story gets around to everyone especially those who don’t know because I love babies and I don’t ever want to see them in pain. I’m happy for you and your baby!!! Congrates and I know all will be great with you two because you are proven to be fighters!!!! GOOD LUCK with EVERYTHING!!!!!


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