Uhm… Hey girls!
First, I just want to let everyone know that I’m planning on taking a at home pregnancy test during the middle of next week.
But before I do that, I just want everyones opinion on if I should even bother or not.
So, basically, I’ve been having a hard time sleeping, I’ve been peeing A LOT, like constantly, I have been feeling sick(like as if I am going to throw up) but I never actually do, and this past Sunday night(very late, maybe very early Monday) I was at my boyfriends house and I thought I started my period, because I had a tiny-tiny bit of blood down there. And so you know, I put a small pad on, and went to bed. But then my period never came, like there was no additional blood except for that tiny bit that I had noticed the night before.
So yeah, there has been a few other things, like late Sunday night/early Monday morning I had this really, really bad pain in my lower stomach. And it lasted for like, 10-15 minutes, and I just thought it was a before-period cramp or something… but then of course I didn’t get my period. Haha, anyway it wasn’t like a usual cramp, this pain hurt so bad that I was literally crying and not moving the entire time.
Soooooo uhm, if you girls have any advice on what you think I should do, or not do, let me know, because thinking about this, and not having someone to talk about it with that has gone through the same thing, has been really, really scary.
Thanks so much!
Love always,