early early symptoms

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    I was just wondering if anyone else has REALLY early symptoms? I have had a constant uncomfortable feeling in my stomach for weeks now! I can’t sit for too long as it is almost painful. I have a lot of heartburn as well. My doctor says it is too early to feel anything…is he right? I’ve heard that some women start feeling immediately after ! Anyone else out there?


    you are definately pregnant, no need to make bones about it. here are a few tips.

    Take the ept it gives instant results even from the first weeks. i’m soory that you the one in this tight situation but there is a very merciful god who is always waiting patiently with arms out stretch to embrace all of his children.

    Sometimes sweetie a child may not be first on our list of priority but after this time of hardship inour lives there is always a calm. so don’t worry a baby always bring some form of happiness in their parents lives one way or the other wait and you will see what i’m talking about. honey babies are angles no doubt , to prove this to you i have a few stories of my own to share but time does not permit me maybe next time but always remember to that when nodoby cares the lord cares never forget this he will always be there for you. put your trust in the lord first and all things shall come after.

    be strong for you and for the growing one inside you as from now on you must consider the impacts all your decisions are going to have on you as well as the baby,anyways good luck and all the blessing from God……

    jjs mom

    i got heartburn really bad about 2 weeks after i concieved and before this pregnancy i was pregnant and i knew way before i even missed a period, i was sick, vomiting and everything elsel you can t hink of:ohmy:

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