well i dunno if im pregnant! im only 17, i still did’nt take any pregnancy test… well me and my boyfriend used to have sex and we always do widrawal.. and my period last month is september
14, and then this october i had been delayed for 1 week, and usually before 2-3 days only.. and my lower back is always aching, and sometimes during night i fell dizzy!
help me.. dunno..
Hey take it from me all u need to do is just wait about another 2 weeks because it just might be the stress and if you dont get it go to the doctor,good luck:)
well i didnt i was pregnant until june i got pregnant in december i was getting all these symptoms i would get dizzy, cravings, and in a couple weeks you can feel a little heart beat and you will start getting bigger if you miss your period than yea you can be prego i didnt use a pregnancy test do your parents know?
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