drunk daddies

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    I am going to be as honest as I possibly can.Take it from experience, he can only change if he wants and sounds like he has intentions. I grew up with this father until it finally killed him when I was 7.He took me and my sister ou to a graveyard at midnight and droped us off laughing because we were crying.People say their husband, boyfriend would never do that but when alcohol is involved anything can happen. Take your kids and leave. It killed me when my father diedbecause I did love him, but I had stability and the fear was gone(he never hit us). As a child in the house I had a fear of the unknown and the instability put on me by it.Luckily our mother was stable and sober and I am fine now with a family of my own.neither me or my husband drink and it is a much better life. Hope it helps

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