Dont know what to do

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    I’m 18 years old. im pregnant. i’ve been with my boyfriend for a year. i know he loves me he just wants whats best. we both just enter college. my parents are very very strict, if they ever found out i think they would take everything away from me and kick me out. anyways he wants me to have an abortion. at first i was for it ..then i started thinking i would feel so guilty.. so im having second thoughts. i know im not ready for a child i want my career i want to live my life. by having this abortion would i be selfish? should i have this baby? and i really need to make up my mind soon! what do you think?:ermm:


    do not have an abortion you will regret it for the rest of your life thats if you want breast cancer 10 years from now or in the future when you do decide to have kids you might have problems later on . i am 19 yearsold and pregnant i plan on going to school soon dont abort this baby.


    I can understand how you are feeling. When I was your age in early college I faced a couple of pregnancy scares. My parents are also very strict and would have been very angry and disappointed by the pregnancy. I also had educational and career goals and I feared that having a child would get in the way. I was so scared. Thoughts of abortion did cross my mind. Luckily it turned out that I was not pregnant.

    Having a child does not mean that you have to give up your education, careers or goals. I am currently about 22 weeks pregnant and am attending grad school full time and working. I plan on continuing grad school after the baby is born (with some baby-sitting help from my mother-in-law). It is possible to go on with your life. Also if you and your boyfriend do not feel ready for parenthood, adoption is a great option. You could even potentially arrange an open adoption if you would still like to be a part of your child’s life.

    Your parents will probably be upset at first. However I bet over time they will be supportive of you. I would advise you not to let anyone, including your boyfriend or parents to push you into an abortion if it is not what you want. Abortion may seem like an easy solution, but before you make that decision I would urge you to read the stories and posts from girls who have made that choice and are dealing with the pain and regrets from their decision. I hope that you choose to have this baby and give it a chance at life, but ultimately the decision is up to you.



    I hope everything is going well with you. I hope u didn’t choose abortion. One of my good friends is adopted. His mother was young and could have had an abortion instead. If you don’t possibly think you could keep your baby, giving him/her to someone who will love them is one of the greatest gifts you could give to your baby. Please don’t choose abortion.


    To be honest I wouldn’t have an abortion, I am 18 years old and attend college myself. When I was 15 I got pregnant by my first love, I couldn’t tell my parents because they would have killed me, but I finally got the nerve to tell my mom and she said she would not have a child born out of wedlock so I had an abortion, now I am 18 years old and there is not a single day I don’t wish I could take that back and it’s true how people say you keep on losing self-esteem. To me it feels like I loose a piece of my heart more and more and I constantly yearn for a baby. I even get upset when I see people that have babys. Then there is the chance of never being able to have a baby again.


    Don’t have an abortion. I am 15 and may be pregnant. If I am pregnant, I am planning on keeping it. You should at least try to take care of it. If you can’t, you can try adoption. But PLEASE don’t kill your baby.

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