Don’t know if I could be?

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    Okay, so I thought I wasn’t pregnant. But my friends have noticed I have been different lately. I have been eating more, I have been having some heartburn. Bad cramping. Still having my period. Hard left side pains, my breasts have been really sore and More tender, I have been nausouse. Do you think it is possible that I am pregnant?


    Hey ya i think it is possible as you can still have periods when you are pregnant, my aunt had them till the day her son was born. i have the same problem and wanna get a test but afraid it comes out negative. keep your chin up and get a test.


    It is possible to be pregnant and still have bleeding…I am not a doctor but with the pain you describe I would be sure to be seen as soon as possible…sometimes when a woman gets pregnant the baby will stay in her fallopian tube, this is called ectopic pregnancy…If the baby stays there and continues to grow it will rupture the fallopian tube and cause very dangerous and sometimes fatal injuries to the mom….Please contact, , Enter your postal code into the site and it will give you the contact info for the closest Pregnancy Help Center near you where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test…They can help you through the process of finding out if you are pregnant and if you are, they can point you in the right direction to make sure that all is well with you and baby…Please make sure you get checked out ASAP…then let us know how you are so we don’t worry about you! Love Meg

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