I had light bleeding 5 days before my due cycle.. My LMP was 1.12.07. I calculated my days and my projected ovulation date was 1.26.07…and I did have sex that day. It wasn’t like a normal cycle. The consistency was different. The color stayed the same. Oddly it didn’t have the same odor as usual – unless it’s just me. I bled for 2 days and spotted the rest which ended early yesterday. I took two pregnancy tests this week – they came out negative. But these are the symptoms that I still have:
Lack of taste for the foods I usually eat – I only want to eat Chinese Food, chocolate ice cream…and drink Pineapple Soda
Breast get sensitive here and there
Minor lower back pains
Minor Headaches
Somewhat Irritable
Short Term Memory is way bad right now
I’m burping all of the time for no reason
My body feels as if it’s preparing itself for another cycle (My scheduled one was for 2.9.07), but nothing is happening – just all of the symptoms I’m going through. What do you think? I’ve contacted my doctor, but they just keep telling me my body is changing now that I’ve turned 26. Maybe I’m just irritated but can you provide your input? Thanks.