do early preg symptoms feel like period symptoms

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms do early preg symptoms feel like period symptoms

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      for me before i went to the doctors, i felt like my period was coming. my stomach was not feeling good and my breasts were sore. i just thought my period was coming. i was shocked when i found out i was pregnant as the symptoms felt exactly the same as the ones you get before menstration. has anyone else experienced this????


        I had similar experiences. As a matter of fact, I had my period regularly for the first 3 months. Then, last month it came on time, but it was lighter. I had cramps and a lot of back pain like I usually do. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones who doesn’t still have her period during the pregnancy. Good luck.


          yes i have with 4 pregs i actaully got my per. with 2 of them for the 1st 2 mos . good luck 2 u

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