did anyone ever feel like they did the wrong thing

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    🙁 Did any one ever do the wrong thing?


    Yes… i ALWAYS think i did the wrong thing. But then i try to convince myself it was the right thing.
    Then i end up feeling SO selfish. & in the end i’ll try my best to just get it out of my mind, so i could just sleep.

    Please reply, i would love to speak to you…!

    Miss Boop

    Hi!! I felt that way until I could feel my son move, kick me, until I heard his heartbeat, and saw him on a sonogram!!! I was very scared and confused but I had no regrets and to this day I have none still. Yeah I should of took more steps into preparing myself for life and my baby but I didn’t and I was still blessed enough to be carrying him. I could of made a lot of right decisions but none of them would measure up to being able to have a human grow inside of you. Trust you’re not alone but being optamistic is the best thing in situations like this. Hope all is great with you!! ~Soon-to-be MOMMY!!!~


    My daughter is my saviour and i would be lost without her.


    i always fill like i did the wrong thing n everyday i wish i could turn back time, cause it hurts real bad and i now fill i have just an empty space


    thank you for letting me know that there is other people that are feeling the same way. And if anyone of you need something you could e-mail me — check my profile.


    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/09/26 21:31


    I have never felt that I did the wrong thing. I prayed long and hard and it is one of the times in my life that I believe God very clearly and truly led me in a very difficult situation.
    7 years later I found out that the would have been father molested his 5 year old daughter by another woman. I believe with all of my heart that the Lord knew best and gave me the right answer. It is not always wrong to terminate a pregnancy. Sometimes it is the right thing to do. That’s why it really is and should be a personal decision, and between a woman, God and her family.
    No doubts here.


    I feel that way everyday about one thing or the other. Why?


    i feel like crap after having my abortion, the first thing i did after my operation was cry and cry and still 5days later im still crying. It was not my decesion it was my boyfriend. He gave me a choice him or my baby i chose him.

    another reason why i chose him coz i knew deep down in my heart i could not support my baby. and i believe i have to be married and own my own home before i can have my babies


    yea i feel like tht all the time but then i know that i made the disission and did let ayone talk me into doing something that i didnt want to and taht helps me get through it. jst try and focus on the good in your life


    Everyone in here thats made a terrible mistake. Can u honestly and truthfully say that u thought before u reacted? I mean, there are girls (take me for an example) who say that they had an abortion and u ask them if they truly thought it out to see if that was the right thing to do. And they say YES! DUH! YEAH! MMMM-HMMM! But then at the end after the true nightmare has happened. They end up crying wishing and praying that it had never happened. Hopeing that tomorrow morning when u wake up u’ll still have that little person growing inside that little tummy, but then u come to realize that he/she is not there anymore. U start to notice that u dont feel the little fluttering in ur tummy. And thats when u realize that u NEVER REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT :unsure: . [/size]Now for all the girls that has said that they really thought about it… CAN U HONESTLY AND TRUTHFULLY SAY THAT U REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT BEFORE U REACTED. :unsure:


    i feel like i did everything wrong in my life s0o far i love my daughter and her father but i had a loss in the past that im still heart broken from… i guess we learn from our mistakes.. if it doesnt kill us it gotta make us stronger.

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