Desperately seeking the answer!?

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    Hello, everyone. So today I am exactly 1 week late for my period. I took my 3rd test this morning and it was negative like the other 2 I took a few days ago. My question is….how late were all of you before you tested positive for pregnancy????????? I have all the symptoms, and I just wish I knew either way to ease my mind. So if any of you could share your stories , i would greatly appreciate it!!! Please help! Could i be pregnant? Thanks a bunch.


    well i was a few days late with my son when i took my test and now im pregnant again and this time i took it a couple of days before my period was due

    the best way to find out if your pregnant is to go for a blood test


    Well I took a test a week after my missed period and it didn’t show a negative but it was too light of a positive so that’s what I thought. But I was about 2 weeks late before I got a for sure positive result. Good luck and I hope you get what you want! 🙂



    With my three year old i wasn’t late at all yet in fact it was about a week b4 i was supposed to start. However, like two weeks ago i thought i may have been pregnant so i waited for my period to come and when it didnt the next day i took a test and it was positive. I think typically they say that it may be positive up to 4 days b4 ur period and every day your late your chances of accuracy increase. But i think it depends on when during the month you got pregnant and your levels of hgc. Hope that helps.


    Well hun as far as tests go i was a wk late when i tested for my daughter got a 100% pos result 1 wk b4 my P was due i tested and got a faint pos w my son and i havent even missed my p this time and used a cheap $1 test from the dollar store and in under 30 secs of doing it was a very bold pos…so good luck!


    I didnt test positive until i was 4 months pregnant with my first. GO get a blood test. U can go to ur local health department or even a doc in the box and pay like $20 for one. Thats what i always did…good luck


    I took mine the night after my missed peroiod and I got that fain line thing so I went back the same night and got a digital and it said positive. Yet I have known people who don’t know they are cuz they still get their cycle and others whom I’ve heard that just don’t make enough of the right hormones to make the test positive. my advice is to obstain form any risky behavior and call your local health Dept and get a appointment or the time to be there in the am to walk in. The sooner the better.

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