Desperately need help/advice on misscarriage

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    Can anyone here please tell me what their misscarriage symptoms were?! My period was nearly 4 days late, but I hadn’t taken a test yet, I had sore breasts and now they have stopped hurting. Then all of a sudden today I had horrible period like pains and a really sore lower back and heavy bleeding. I checked, and unfortunatly there was a fleshy looking clot with white through it.. I’ve tried to research it all but I really want to hear from someone on here if this possibly could have been a misscarriage?


    Yes, you could very well have been or are experiencing a miscarriage….I suggest going to the doctor to be sure….If you were pregnant and experienced a miscarriage it is possible to retain part of your pregnancy and the sooner you find out the better as you could be subject to infection…Please make an appt ASAP and let us know what you find out…if you need help finding a doctor or anything like that (not sure if you have to worry about your parents knowing etc) please email me and I will do all that I can to help you, Love Meg, <3


    You could have had what is called a Threatened Miscarriage. There would be some degree of bleeding with cramping or lower backache. This bleeding is often the result of implantation. There is nothing a doctor can do especially since you were so early. I personally wouldn’t think it was a miscarriage. It all could just be your period. You can and do pass clots when you are on your period.Remember, Stress has a big impact on your hormones. This can cause you to be a few days late. So can a lot of other things.

    If the bleeding gets heavy, like soak through a pad an hour, then I would make a trip to the ER. There is no treatment for a miscarriage this early so seeing a doctor is pointless.

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