curse this wretched pain!!

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #24122

    uggh!!! im on the verge of goin bonkers here!

    im now 22weeks along with baby numb 2 and the pelvic pain has reared its ugly head once again (the one where u feel like the bone in ur vagina is gettin stabbed with a hot needle, mind the graphic description) well i did hav it in my 1st pregnancy but this time is worse, i cant even sleep at nyt! iv tried everything from sleeping with a pillow between my legs to all the wierd positions, i wana buy or borrow a pregnancy pillow n c if that works but i cant find any place in SA that stocks it and im not gonna pay 100 dollars to ship one over, i just cant seem to get comfy, and it startin to show becoz i snap at my lil girl n hubby mor then i shud n im gettin big bags unda my eyes, im at my witts end!! oh and if thats not enuf, the pain in my cocyx (the bone at the end of ur spine that u can feel in ur bum lol) is startin up too (yes, had it in my 1st pregnancy too but not until the last month) im desperate for a good nyts sleep, iv got a toddler 2 run behind n a husband to tend to and 4months of pregnancy left… sum1 sumwhere pleeeeeeeeez help me, i cant go on like this!:S


    Aw, I’m really sorry to hear that you’re having such a hard time!

    I don’t really know what would help you, but I have heard that a couple of things might help…

    1. a pelvic support belt (ask your dr)

    2. ice put over where it hurts

    I dunno if those would work, but I guess it might be worth a try.

    I don’t know if you have any pregnancy books that have suggestions for excersizes or different positions that might help with the pain in your coccyx, but you could look into getting some kind of guide or whatever.

    I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful! I hope that the pain gets better soon!

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