Could something be wrong?

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    I think I’m pregnant. I’m a week late for my period. I haven’t taken a test yet, but I will tomorrow. Today my lower back has been hurting and I feel crampish in my abdomen especially on the lower left side. The crampy feeling is a tiny bit worse when I pee. It isn’t a stabbing pain, more like a dull, aching pain. If I am infact pregnant is this normal?? I’m scared that if I am it’ll be ectopic or something will be wrong because I had an abortion about 7 months ago. I would NEVER do that again and now I’m scared I could lose this baby if I’m pregnant.



    By now you will have taken a test and found out whether or not you are pregnant. Cramps can be a symptom of early pregnancy but they can also be a symptom of pms so it is hard to tell. If you are pregnant I would set up an appointment with your doctor to make sure that everything goes well with the pregnancy. If you are not pregnant and are still having unusual pain or symptoms you might see your doctor to have everything checked out. Good luck and best wishes.


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