could I be prego

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    Hi there I am not really sure whats happening to me, I miss my periods in july and the things is I have no symptoms of pregnancy however this did happen to me early this year and when my periods came then ran really heavy and really red I wonder if it was a early miscarriage?

    Now some times I am okay other times I get really emotional and miserable for nothing. I was preg(2) before about 4 years ago and no symptoms went to the doc and found out I was 2months but had miscarriages with both. What I am wondering can you be prego and not have any symptoms?


    yer but it is very rare not 2 show any signs thoughout the pregnancy.


    i say go to doc to make sure your doing ok no systoms at ll is weird but some woman dont have any for a while. sorry about your miscarr. i had one to hugs to you. good luck i hope it all works out for you


    i DO NOT agree with purekat and mommy6 bcuz i had NO symptoms for basically my whole pregnancy…the only way i knew i was preg was i had a strong feeling, then i missed my period and had a + test…i only ever got morning sickness like 3 times and car sick once for my whole 9months….so just go to ur doc and get a test..good luck! u can email me with questions or ne thing u need… 🙂

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