HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms COULD I BE PREGNAT??

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    ive been having some symtoms like throwing up, feeling dizzy,getting headaches, sleeping A LOT, eating, and my boobs been hurting, but im on my period… but me and ,my boyfriend had unprotected sex last month on the 9th and i was supposed to start my period around the 25th but instead i started it on the 6th, im on it right now, but i still been feeling sick… but the thing is that i took at test about a week and a half and it came out negative…i was wondering if i could still be pregnat???


    its possible. but are your periods regular? is this period really light and short? cuz if it is it could be implantation bleeding….but your symptoms could also be related to your period…i would wait about a week till after your period is done to take another test:) (cuz i have the same symptoms and me period was only 2 days, so im waitng about a week to take another test cuz the 1st one i took was negative as well). good luck!:)


    if you are on ur period then you are not preg…although you may have been and you could be experiencing a miscarriage….and besides some early pregnancy symptoms are the same as symptoms that you are getting you period……


    yea but usually when i am on my perid it lasts for about 5 days…and this time it lasted for 3 days


    I had my normal period for the first 3 months of being pregnant, it was only when I missed the forth period that I found out I was 4mnths pregnant… take a test or go to the doctor to make sure!!!!


    maybe u should take a test or get a blood test to make sure…;)

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