Could i be pregnant?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms Could i be pregnant?

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    Hi, I am 20yrs old and always have a regular cycle of 28-30days. I am now 17days late for my period, which was due on the 26th of sep. 2 1/2 weeks before the condom broke whilest having intercourse with my partner. I keep feeling like im going to come on, but nothing happens.. Ive been wearing a pad for the past 3 days. I also have a lot more discharge(which is white/clear,sometimes gooey) and have headaches. I took 2 hpt and both were negative (my mum get a postitive with me until 7weeks!)I dont know if this is all in my head or could i be pregnant?Please help coz Im really confused!!:(


    Hey there,

    There is a possibility you could be pregnant, and the pregnancy test just isn’t detecting the hormones yet.

    If you want a quicker result, I’d advise you go to your doctor 🙂

    Becky xOx

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