could i be pregnant?

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    i was recently on shots but i didn’t go and take my was due in april and it is now july.could i possibly be pregnant?ive had some symptoms,ive been using the bathroom more frequently breasts are sore i get dizzy and nauseated but i dont throw up.can anyone help me out?


    Based on what you said there’s a strong possibility that you could be pregnant, but make sure you aren’t letting your imagination get the best of you.


    do a test or go to the doctor,that way you can put ur mind at rest best of luck x


    hi, defenitly yes you could be pregnant..they say after getting the needle or being on the pill it may take longer to get pregnant once coming of them but not with everyone,sometimes they dnt even work! if you have not been using protection than there is a good chance u r pregnant,Have you been getting ur period? just take a pregnancy test and if nothing shows up,test again in a week.then if nothing shows up and you truely think u r pregnant then go to the doctor and get a blood test…hope this helps
    Daniella xox


    It is most likely you are not. I was on the shot and when I got off I had the same symptoms as you listed. I thought I was pregnant I took 5 hpts and when I went to see my doctor she said it was cause of the shot that I got those symptoms. It still may be possible but most ladies that get off the shot don’t conceive till at least 9 months and at most 18 months. Well good luck on what you want to happen sorry if I put you down in any way.


    i agree with the girls.. take a pregnancy test and put your mind at rest but make sure you update us with the news !


    okaybut now my nipples hurt and its like a ring thats starting to darken around my breasts?


    well thats another sign,the areola darkens when you are pregnant,do a test!


    Take a pt and if you think you are go to the doctor and get a blood test. Like I said its probably from getting off the shot but there is a possibility that you could be. Everyone’s body is different. Sorry if I put you down in any way. Good luck


    see your doctor, and have them do a blood test cause that does sound like you are.


    Sweedy, you might be pregnant, but do yourself a favour and have a test done 🙂 That way you sould be sure.
    Yes, for some people it takes longer and others just as they come off, and the scary part some people still fall pregnant will they using birth control. Some guys have themselves "fixed" and thats not even a 100% guarentee. Please keep us possted. 🙂

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