Could I be pregnant?

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    I am 10 days late for my period (have NEVER been late) my husband and I were trying for a baby after we got married so came off my pill in Sept – the last time we had sex was beginning of Nov (sounds stupid but we have had family berevement and lots of things going on that sex was the last thing on our minds!) My periods usually last 4-5 days but for Dec, Jan and Feb I was only having spotting for 1-2 days and as I said this month not at all. I have back ache and find im getting out of breath and need tht toilet a lot.

    I have taken a test and its negative but is there still a chance I could be.

    The only thing is if I was I would be about 18/19 weeks gone – how much do you show by then?

    Thanks for your help.



    Well I know after being preg for a while a hpt can be neg so I would go to the doctor and get checked out. Also start taking prenatals because if you are not preg, trying, or are preg they are good for you either way but this way you will know that when you do conceive you will have a healthy baby even before you find out. So you mentioned family issues..I hope all is well..If you need to talk visit my profile page. I have been through alot so nothing shocks me and I can usually relate 🙂 I hope you are preg so you and your husband can start your family 🙂


    well i would take an other test. Or if you are really worried about it go to your doctor for a blood test. when i was 20 weeks pregnant you could barely tell that i was. so it depends on the person. hope my advice helps.


    I didn’t think i was pregnant either when I took 2 tests and they were both negative, but I was wrong!! I was having to use the bathroom a lot too, so that was the only thing that made me think i was pregnant! It depends from person to person on how much you show, at around 18 weeks I was already showing a little, but I was very small before I became pregnant, but I have a friend who is 23 and only 3 or 4 weeks behind me and you cant even tell she is pregnant at all!!!!


    all i can say i sgo to the doctors and have a blood test done, they are very acurate, bu if u are pregnant u an as far gone as u say u are u need to have a check up an make sure that the baby is ok xxxx

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