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      So I was having this really weird stomach pains for about four days they kepts getting worse though, so my husband took me to the emergancy room a little after eight January 10 (the day of my mothers birthday). I was taken to l&d to be checked. Come to find out I was having contractions for all the four days, yet again. As many of you may know I have already spent a whole day in l&d because of contractions before. But this time they didn’t hurt as bad. After they gave me a shot to stop the contractions they started getting better then things changed. They became stronger, and I could feel them. They then gave me an iv for fluids, but it didn’t help. Through out the entire night I was givin three shots, three pills, five bags of fluid, and exams to see if I was dialating. Thankfully I did not dialate any, and the contractions finally stopped this morning. They sent me home with some pills to make sure I don’t start contracting anymore. I am now on bed rest, and have to drink lots and lots of water, although I pretty much only drink water anyways. I cannot be around stress or smoke, and I have to keep from stressing. I am now considered high risk for preterm labor, which my husband and I are trying to prevent.


        U know I had the same thing happen to me when I was pregnant with my first son. I was having contractions and didnt even know it I just thought it was my son balling up in to a lil ball because my stomach would tighten it took the doctor to tell me that was a contraction


          It really scared me, but I kinda got a little excited. I want to meet him so bad, but at the same time I want him to be mature beore I do meet him.


            I understand totally I wanted the same thing. I was just ready to meet him so bad that my wish came true. He came early but not to early I had my son when I was 37 weeks well what I thought to be 37 weeks. When I had my ultra sound they told me that I was really 35 weeks and that scared me alot. because I thought he was goin to be sick and little but when he was born he was 5lbs and 13 oz and 19 inches longs and he went home when I did. So u never know some doctors just dont know anything because they calculated my due date wrong througout my whole pregnancy had me thinking one thing and it wasn’t.


              1st start with getting a new midwife your ignored when you thought that you lost your mucus plug and that’s kinda messed up. Hopefully you will deliver full term and much luck to you =]


                I know what you mean, it’s like I am so ready to meet my baby boy but at the same time I want to make sure he is healthy and ready before I do. I hope I don’t have to carry him completely forty weeks since he is so big already, I hope I at least carry him to thirty seven though. I am getting so excited since my due date is getting closer, I am so ready to have my body back, and my baby boy in my arms. -lol- I really miss having my own body, but I wouldn’t change having him for anything in this world. (:


                  Oh I get where you’re coming from I feel so big all the time lol

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