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      Hi my name is Hailey and i am 17 and well i am compleatly and utterly confsed. Well Me and my boyfriend suspected i was pregnant because I had all these symptoms ya know like nausea,hightned sense of smell,darkend areolas,breast tenderness,loss of appitite,fatigue. At first we blew it off thinking it was nothing but the i left for two weeks on vaction andI just kept getting more symptoms and on june 5th i was supposed to start my period but i didn’t and that was a big sign for us so we decided on the 19th when i got back we would test well i never got to test because on the 13th i got my period only it wasn’t normal it was way too heavy and it stayed that way all the way untill the 17th which isn’t normal because i usuall slow down on the 2nd or 3rd day of my period. And that scares me because me and my boyfriend belived i was pregnant and that i miscarried but we have no proof and all this has made me so depressed and i am asking for advice or help which ever i am really looking for answers. thank you


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