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    hey my babys father we’re seperated but and have been in other relationships(i havent been really sucessful and have since stopped tryind and decided 2 just concentrate on myself)but like everytime i wuld c him with his gf or somethin or talk bout her id feel hurt and now im thinkin omg i no im ova him…what do u guys think???wb plz im SOOOO confused!!:blink:


    I know its hard hun. My boyfriend left me with a 6 month old and im pregnant again. The main thing is just dont let him get to you. I know its hard but if you put yourself down you babys gonna feel you sad or stressing out about him. The best thing to do is focus on your baby. Your having a baby and its the best feeling in the world. Just dont let your feelings affect your baby, you dont wanna put your baby in stress!

    Good luck and tell me how it goes!


    princess Angela

    We are in the exactly same boat… im having his first child and since we broke up about 4 months ago he has had other girls, slept with other ppl and whatever else he has done yet i still find myself crying an upset over him alot… but his not worth it… something i have come to learn only over the last 2 weeks… he is just another guy he came and went… an im sure there will be more just like him … but now its about me and my son…. an i need to stay strong so he can keep growin healthy inside me…. Try to be strong… i used to be the strongest person my friends new now i cant say no to dominic at all… But i no what he wants and wat his like… Hope this helps ya if u wanan talk im willing to talk to u…


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