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  • #15529
    princess Angela

    Well i had sex with my ex about 15 days ago and about 5 days ago i had spotting really light it has stopped now, i took a test but couldnt tell if it was negetive or positive there looked like there was 2 lines there but it may have been the light? has anyone had this happen or anyone shed some light on it


    i would wait until your period is about five days late that is the best time to detect the HCG level…..a hormone you produce when pregnant…if you still dont get your period and another negative then go see your doctor….i took my test and all three came back + but was very light try again in a few days good luck


    well angela I would go to a doctor and get a blood test if a hpt had a very light line than a blood test should deffinately be able to tell. Now untill you do that you will have to sit in confusion and wonder and that is no fun 🙁 so my encouragement to you would be to think real hard. Why did I sleep with my EX? If we are in love why did we break up ? If we are soooooo in love why dont we get married? If we are so in love and want to be married why dont we wait until marriage to have sex? Do we want the same things in life? Can I tell him everything that goes through my head? Do I hold things back because I dont want him to laugh at me? How many people have we both slept with? Why? Would I be content in a relationship without sex? Why? Why not? Please ponder these thoughts as you wait and wonder they are not fun. Take this time to be honest in your own heart I want the best for you and hopefully you wont end up on the same road I did for so long. It was some of these kinds of questions that helped me CHOSE a different road to walk on. If there are any questions please visit my guest book and ask me I would love to help. Take care and I hope that all works out for your best. Love Meg


    Ive had the same prolem with some pregnancy tests. my advice it to take an other one.

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