coming clean

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    Yea I’m around 5 and 3/4 months pregnant, 17, and a junior in high skool. No one at my skool knows yet but today is monday and me and my bf are telling our friends either tues or wed… Im rly nervous I have only been at this skool since 9th grade so its not like I grew up with these pple. Im not sure how they’re gonna react. I hope it all works out okay… My bf is RLY excited for this baby and he cant wait to tell everyone but me, eh, Im a little nervous… But spring break starts this friday and then goes all the next week so I figure if we tell pple now they can talk for a few days and then over break it’ll become old news. Think it’ll work?


    people are gonna talk till u have the baby because they are gonna wanna see him/her when he/she is born….if ppl talk negatively just ignore them, it’s ur little miracle and they can think what they want…
    i’m 17, turning 18 on the 12th of april, i’m 30wks 3days (almost 8months) preg with a little boy…i married my highschool sweetheart back in feb of this year, he is the daddy, and we have been together since i was 15…i graduated from highschool back in jan and we are now just waiting for the baby to come….news at my old school got around fast..when i was only really telling my friends that i was expecting the next few days everybody what i heard of the talk no one ever said ne thing bad, or atleast they didn’t let me hear ne thing bad….
    lol now that i’ve totally bored u with my life story 😉 i’ll let u go….if u need ne thing or have ne questions feel free to ask….

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