cold feet

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      ok as many of u know im 17 married, iv got a 15 month old girl n 33weeks preg with numb2…

      it took me very long to make peace with the fact that im gonna be a mommy all over again as this was sumthin i did not plan… AT ALL. i finally accepted it wen i was around 5months preg n actually started to get abit excited at the idea… now im gettin cold feet n doubting weather i can go through this again, its gettin soo bad that i am paranoid n totally convinced im going to get PPD wen the new baby arrives and that im going to go into premature labour n the thoughts get worse n worse, im second guessing every move i make, thinking the worst of everythin n blowing things outa proportion. this is sucking the excitement n joy that i was feeling b4 outa me… i just dont know if i can raise two children. i can feel my body tensing under all this negative energy im putting into myself, 1 min im optamistic n the next i have no hope n dont look forward to seeing my baby… surely this isnt normal? its like im expecting my baby to bring misery into my life by being born… wats wrong with me!!!!!


        Hey sweet pea,
        try looking on the bright side… I think yr just worried because this looks so overwhelming, but you’re already raising a beautiful little miracle, I’m sure yr gonna be just as amazing with angel number2.

        I can only imagine what yr going through right now, and I think that part of what yr feeling is because yr so young… But yr lucky that you have a husband to support you and help you and you have yr family too.

        I really hope things get better for you hun, I’m always here if you wanna chat or vent.
        Lots of love, Evie xoxo

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