Child Support !!!

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    Hello everyone I just wanted to share with you all a wonderful thing that has happened for me….I gave birth to my daughter Pennielane almost 5 years ago..I got back together with her dad when she was 3 weeks old and we were together for just over a year…he became so emotionally abusive and controling that I finally told him to leave…he did and I have never seen one dime of child support from him…he has avoided me like the plague and neglected his daughter….right before my daughter turned 2 I got pregnant again by a different guy…I told him and after a couple of weeks he never called me back…he has never paid a dime of child support either…I decided when I was pregnant with my son to not have sex again until I was married… I struggled to survive for 4 1/2 years as a single mom (even when I was with Pennies dad he didnt pay bills or help with her care) I learned to live on a very small budget and I learned to live without alot of things…I only bought nessesities…no cable no make-up no movie tickets no hair dye…you get my point…only the things my family needed… well I met a wonderful man and we got married in November 06 five months ago πŸ™‚ he has allowed me to stay home with the kids becuase I have spent so much of their lives taking them to the sitter…well he and I take turns cleaning a Head Start building and he works full time so I only work 2 hours a week πŸ™‚ we are coming into a season where we are going to struggle finacially because we just put a home on our property and we have been discussing our income…..well last week the division of child support finally caught up with my sons dad..and I will be receiving child support from him πŸ™‚ and yesterday I got a phone call from my best friend telling me that she was now in charge of Pennies dads payroll !!!! I just about dropped to the ground….in one week both of their dads have been found and they are both now going to have to pay support…after all the struggling they are going to have to help out now and it couldnt have come at a better time πŸ™‚ If you are in a spot where you are struggling and you are not getting support just know that one day they will catch up to the dad or dads and it will be when you need it most :)….I hope you are encouraged..I sure am… Meg

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