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    I should be getting my period on wednesday 10/11/06 if I was pregnant and took a test today do you think it is to soon to show positive results, or do you think the would show by now?


    Well, according to First Response pregnancy tests….it can detect the pregnancy hormone up to 5 days before your missed period. BUT, I’m really starting to think that home prego tests don’t work, because my period was due a week and 3 days ago, I’ve taken 4 First Response tests, and all have been negative. My periods are NEVER this late. SO, you should try, and let me know the results so I can compare. Good luck


    no you wouldn’t be able to tell yet you have to wait and then you can have a pregnancy test but be carfull as you can still have periods whilst you are pregnant like i did:dry: 🙂


    i’d say to wait atleast oneday after your missed period


    Well, most tests dont show up till your like 3 weeks prego… so ive heard. I found out the day i was SUPPOSED to get my surgery that i was prego so i never had to do a home test. the doctor did a standard one and told me. but anyway, id say buy a test and go ahead and see. do it in the morning when your pee is the strongest. and if it comes up negative but you still think you are prego, go the OBGYN n ask for bloodwork b/c some pregnant ladys take like 10 tests that come up negative but get bloodwork and find out 100%. goodluck


    I took a pregnancy a week b4 my period started and it came back positive….


    Well there ya go…goes to show that everyones body is different!….I took 2 clear blue hpt 2 weeks after my missed period…and boom~ both positive!! 😉 ..I am now 10 weeks pregnant!


    sarah, did u have periods all the way through and were they lighter than usual?
    I can almost feel in my body that Im pregnant, I have all the symptoms except a missed period. If i preg i will be 11weeks and 4 days but ive had a negative pregnancy HCG test. what do you think? xx


    I have had light periods. Some at home pregnancy tests fail and some hospital pregnancy tests fail. So you may be!
    if you need anything reply



    i have had the sme symptoms and increased weight gain but regular heavy periods im starting to think that im just geting fat but then there is the sick feeling small headaches and i’ve had a cold on and off for 5 weeks i have taken a urine test at the doctors and it was negative but many people do have their period the whole time take a blood test or ultrasound for better knowing i would.:) 🙁


    did you period come?

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