can’t get results and irregular period

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    I took a pregnancy test, and where the results are suppose to be shown it just shows up light blue when in fact the window is suppose to have a pink + or – sign, and shows the pink line to show that the test is working. So I went to buy a different test and took it a few days later and the same thing happened. I have an irregular period that comes 5days early than the last date and have been having all the signs. Please help I don’t know what to do because the test aren’t giving me any help!!!!:unsure:


    Aww, that sounds frustrating! I would try another brand even though it might also be a waste of money, but you never know! I never heard of the thing turning a light blue, so I cannot tell you why it is doing that! Maybe you can ask the pharmasist from who you bought it from…if not you can always try the doc. Go and get an appointment and they will do either a urine or a blood test. The blood test will tell you for sure if you are pregnant or not! Good luck!!

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