can’t feel him move!!

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    Hi, I was wondering how far along some of you ladies were when you first felt your baby move in your belly. I am now 19 weeks along, and I still haven’t felt him! They heard a heart beat and everything at my last appointment, so he’s ok, but is it normal that I still haven’t felt him move yet? Let me know, I’m getting anxious, haha.

    <3 Jaz


    well im 18 wks gne, and ive been feeling my baby move for the last 2 wks. more so everyday but sum babies are just more active than ovas.. i think u got a lazy 1 sum people dnt feel their baby till they r like 21wks dnt worry babes im sure you feel sumthing v.soon. keep me updated pls. nuff love niki


    Don’t worry…around 18 weeks is average ( so a little before or a little after) When I was pregnant with my daughter—those first fetal movements feel only like gas or a little bubble busting in your belly; It will be awhile before you can actually feel MOVING πŸ™‚ Try not to stress. Even after a mother can feel the baby regularly moving there are still times when the baby will be sleeping & not move for hours at a time. WHEN YOUR PREGNANT A COUPLE HOURS OF NO MOVEMENT FEELS LIKE A LIFETIME πŸ˜› I was such a worrier about my baby that I actually rented a fetal heartbeat monitor for $30 a months & would check the baby’s heartbeat all day long. It really helped me from being worried. I know when your pregnant you can’t help but think "IS MY BABY OKAY?". And that worry will always surround you child even after they’re born too πŸ™‚ I was told the you never stop worrying about your child. My daughter is 3 now —and I still go into her room at least every hour at night —just to make sure she is OK. And, BTW the fact that you worry about your child shows how much you care—-and, how much of a wonderful mother you already are. GOOD LUCK & TRY TO LET NEGATIVE THOUGHTS GET THE BEST OF YOU.

    Sincerely, KAY

    PS. Here is the link if you want to check out the at home BABYBEAT monitor


    You are 19 weeks when i was about 25 or so weeks when i finally felt Konor kick. but now i am pregnant with a new baby


    You should be feeling him move any time/day now. If you haven’t within the next week or so… I’d check in with your doctor…



    Thanks for all your input and advice ladies. I feel a little better, I guess everyone is different on this one. Hopefully I’ll be feeling something soon though. God bless you all!


    Let me tell you one thing: first you will notice sporadic kicks( i started feeling it at nearly 4 months), like tapping, and then…IT MOVES SOOOO MUCH, you will be thinking: o dear…it never stops hehehehe.One thing they do for sure is moving and then waking you up in the middle of the night LOL.:laugh:


    I felt mine starting at 22 weeks. Everyones different. I think mines just lazy though. Lol he only moves when I’m trying to sleep.


    dont worry, i didnt feel him move until i was 21 weeks. by the way my baby’s due in 18 days!!!


    Not to worry, I am pregnant with my second and am also 19 weeks. The position of the placenta and uterus can also affect feeling movement. If the placenta is in front of your belly, you may not feel much until baby is bigger and kicks at your sides πŸ™‚ As long as the heartbeat is heard, there should not be much to worry about (although we all do!!!). Also, if its your first, have tight abs, or are overweight, it might take a little longer to feel your little bundle of joy πŸ™‚


    I’d give it a few more weeks, then talk to your doctor. Or your next appt.




    Well guess what ladies? I’m 21 weeks now and I’m feeling my baby boy move quite frequently now! You all were right, it was nothing to worry about. It’s just neat feeling him move now, and it makes me laugh when he kicks lol. Thanks for all the input and good luck to you all!

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