can you get pregnant by fingering?

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms can you get pregnant by fingering?

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    My and my really close friend were messing around one night and i "jacked him off" but he moved my hand before it got on it.. but later that night i did it wagain and then he washed his hands and then fingered me.. but after that i went to the bathroom and i was wondering if the cum on my hand.. If there was any could get me pregnant from going to the bathroom.. ive been urinateing a lot since then and this was about a week ago(today is 10-19) could this be a urinary tract infection? Im only 16 and im freaking out this may also be some stress.. please help me!!!


    I would go to the doctors to just get checked out for any infections. It would be very unlikely that you could be pregnant as sperm dies if its not kept at the right temperature.


    no that definately would not get you pregnant. you may have a UTI but you may juts be peeing more. with a UTI you would have pain when you urinated.


    My suggestion- go to the doctors, but no- you can’t… Unless you all ready did "things" before that…


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