can i be pregnant after the shot and withdrawal

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      I’ve been on the shot for over a year but I just had sex and my partner pulled out is it possible I can still become pregnant.


        not very likley if you are on the shot – you are pretty protected, and by him pulling out slims the chances even more, you can probably sleep comfortable on that


          my girlfriend is on the shot we have sex all the time i never pull out shes having stomach pains havnt got test yet um does that mean anything


            If you are having sex, it is always "possible" that you might be pregnant. All contraceptives have a "failure rate." Please think about not having sex if you are not ready to deal with the consequences, especially pregnancy which involves an innocent baby.


              Well I can say from experience I was on the shot for a year and never got pregnant. I wasnt able to concieve till 14 months from the day I was told I needed a new shot, which was every 3 months. So from the time I had my last depo shot till I concieved my middle child was 17 months. Now on the other had a friend of mine was on the shot for several years and she found out she was pregnant while she was on the shot… The best advise I can give is to take a test most helth units/departments give free ones that are the same as a doctors office…. Best of luck

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