can anyone explain!!!

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      My husband and I are trying to concieve. I fee llike I’m pregnant right now, It would be very early thow.I feel all crampy like my period is coming. The question that I have is. When you first concieve, that meraculas moment, the next day I felt sick, I could not eat anything. The smell of donuts make’s me ill. (I LOVE DONUTS) I am so tired it’s crazy. I could sleep all day if I could. Now with my first three pregnancy’s I never felt like this. Could anyone give me some kinda of reason for this. If I’m pg I would be only 2 week’s thre day’s or so…hehe. please any explanation would help. Thanks in advance..



        well im 7 weeks pregnant and i get cramps like im about to get my period but i know for sure that im pregnant cuz i took a home pregnancy test and i also went to the clinic but i think is weird to get crams when youre pregnant, but anyways u never know!


          I had cramps since my first month, it’s normal your uteris is already growing and unfortunatley tiliting into your bladder, say hello to immediate bathroom trips no more holding it! I still get cramps at 13 weeks but Im expanding. Now the tired thing they said the first trimester is the worst, im finding out the second is for me, but I was working 70 hours a week during my first trimester, so who knows. If you are good luck, I started having signs from my second week in so I wouldnt doubt it if you already "know" too!


            rikanloka4u2nv wrote:

            well im 7 weeks pregnant and i get cramps like im about to get my period but i know for sure that im pregnant cuz i took a home pregnancy test and i also went to the clinic but i think is weird to get crams when youre pregnant, but anyways u never know!

            everyone cramps…the uterus is contracting to expand. your uterus can’t grow without feeling like it’s cramping. you will get braxton hicks contractions, too, which are worse and more uncomfortable to help prepare the uterus for delivery. it’s crazy being pregnant. i just bought National Geographic’s "In the Womb" and give great insight into what happens during pregnancy.

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