[size=4][color=#FF0000]Yes… a test can be wrong… If you are pregnant, then your test came out negative for 1 of 2 reasons…
A) Your HCG levels are not yet high enough to read accurately
B) The test was a bad one… you should always ALWAYS check the experation date on a pregnancy test *that can cause false positives/negatives* and they say that it does not matter what kind of test you buy, but it really does… My sister bought a pt from the dollar store when she was 7 months pregnant with my nephew, and it came out negative…
And just a tip, try and buy the test the day before you take it, and take it when you use the bathroom first thing the next morning… The HCG levels are at their highest when you urinate when you first wake up…
Good luck…[/color[/size]]