brown vaginal bleeding

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    My LMP was Dec. 26, 2006. I had sex on the 4th, and 12th of January 2007. My period was not due until on or around the 26th of January. My periods are usually 31 days apart. Well, my period came on about a week early on January 20th, 2007. It was dark brown and very light. It will not even fill up a whole pad. Could I be pregnant?


    Could possibly be if you noticed this period was abnormal to your others. Wait a little longer and do the test as it will give clearer results leaving it longer than a few days


    well you seem very on track with you period and if yuo noticed you were abnormal, you should go to the doctor, brown vaginal bleeding could signal pregnacy as it did for me or an STD as it did in the case of a close friend. Either way you should get yourself checked.
    Good luck


    givin that your very on track and ‘regular’
    id advise you to make an appointment with your doctor
    just so as u could be clear!! gudluck!


    well really i am 2 months and i have that brownish discharge 🙁 but its only when i have intercourse. they say ts the left over blood from the baby, but its nothing to worry about 😉 good luck with that

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