breastfeeding and other classes

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    So I just found out I’m pregnant and my mom’s telling me to take this class thru the hospital on labor and stuff and she also wants me to take a class on breastfeeding. Are they really necessary? Is a good idea? help please!


    I took a childbirth class and also a breastfeeding class when I was pregnant, and I would highly recommend it. I still had a lactation consultant come work with me and my baby before we went home from the hospital, but it made such a difference. 🙂


    Indulging yourself on information about birth and child care and being a mom can never be a bad thing I just encourage you to take it all in and use the info that works for you and your family and disregard those things that wont……sometimes (especially with your first) everyone and their dog (LOL) has something to teach you or tell you and people try to "take over" in your situation. If certain things just dont interest you when it comes to things to do while in labor then you need to find what does interest you…dont just do something because its what someone else did….I never took lamazze classes or anything and while in labor with my son when I would have a huge contraction everyone would stop talking but I asked them to not do that because the noise and hearing stories really helped my labor (they laughed him out of me LOL) so dont assume that everything will go according to what you learn but go and get educated and have a blast 🙂 if you ever have a question just visit my page and I hope your preg and labor go great ……Meg

    gina lynn

    some people like to take classes. i didnt. i read books about pregnancy, labor and delivery, and breast feeding. they were all the help i needed.


    They are great. I took them when I was pregnant and I still go tp toddler classes just to get out and talk to other moms but a I got so much from them. It is a good idea!!! Try them and see if they are right for you. Good luck!

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