Breach baby

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  • #21793

    Hi all,

    I am 37 weeks pregnant. I have a doc appt booked for next week but until then I’m not sure what to do! My first baby was in the breach position and she was "turned" so I could have a natural birth. My last scans showed that this baby (a boy) was in the normal birth position, but lately I have felt heaps of movement in my stomach… Could he be turning or am I just paranoid????


    Hey there! Congrats on the impending birth of your son!!

    In my opinion, I’d say that your baby is still in the normal position. I think it’s difficult enough to move around in there (even from breech position to head down, that’s why they need help) but even more so from engagement to breech. Once the baby’s head is down and *locked in* into your pelvis, so to speak, I think the chances are that he will stay that way. hth.


    How is everything going? Did your baby stay in the normal position?


    Hi thanks for the help!

    Yes he did! I think I was just being over paranoid. Doctor checked everything out and it’s all good!! Now I just have to think off a name for my son!:S I can’t wait to meet him though!!

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