Boyfriend Problems

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    I miscarried a baby in october and i was devastated. I thought i would wait to have another baby until way later and its not the right time. Come to find out Im 4 weeks pregnant. I didn’t want a baby but its kinda happening and i know sometimes babies dont come at the right time but it all works out. Well i told my boyfriend last night and he says i should get an abortion, but i absolutely don’t want one. He says if i have this child it will ruin he life and everything. I think he might just be scared. He was really hurt when we lost the other baby, it might just be fear. Idk. I really don’t know what to do. Will he come around once its here and everything?? I need some advise.

    princess Angela

    This is something i can relate with very well.. I was pregnant when i was 17 an had an abortion because i was told we cant do it it will ruin ur life an all that kind of stuff an i regreted havin an abortion ever since…. then i feel pregnant at the end of last yr and my bf dominic told me he wasnt ready blah blah blah and tried everything to make me get rid of it said it would ruin my life an all that kind of jazz…. but im 19 weeks pregnant and i havnt found it to ruin my life… only make me a stronger person….

    I am scared because dominic is not around but i know i can do it an ill give this baby the best life…. After all it my baby only i know whats best for it….Dominic has since come around from when he first said he wanted nothing to do with it… an wants to see the next ultrasound and be there when its born ….So he will come around it just takes some gettin used to to i guess.

    I hope that helps you
    Love angela xoxox


    Try talking about the lost baby, ever so gently, it is hard to accept another baby when you haven’t grieved, so he maybe in that place of needing to talk about his loss.

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